make good

make good
1) обосновывать, доказывать, подтверждать

In view of its accord with the monstrous system of Indian peonage, it is impossible for the Catholic church to make good its claim that it was the Indians friend in colonial days. (W. Foster, ‘Outline Political History of the Americas’, book I, ch. VI) — Поскольку католическая церковь одобряла чудовищно жестокую систему пеоната, она никак не может обосновать свое утверждение, будто в колониальную эпоху была "другом индейцев"

2) восполнять, возмещать, компенсировать (потерю)

...he saw clearly enough that Annie's loss would never be made good. (R. Aldington, ‘All Men Are Enemies’, part II, ch. III) — ...Тони прекрасно понимал, что утрата Анни невозместима.

He could not afford to make good the damage done... (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 97) — У него не хватило бы средств привести все в прежний вид...

3) осуществлять; выполнять (обещание); сдержать (слово)

...the last boarder made good his escape and disappeared with the rest into the wood. (R. L. Stevenson, ‘Treasure Island’, part IV, ch. XXI) — ...последний из нападающих благополучно перелез через частокол и скрылся вместе со всеми в лесу.

Conrad: " don't believe you will be called to make good your word." (B. Shaw, ‘Back to Methuselah’, part II) — Конрад: "...а вы не думаете, что вам придется сдержать свое слово?"

He wondered if Gregg were ugly enough to make good his insane threat. (J. Updike, ‘The Poorhouse Fair’, ch. I) — Коннор думал о том, действительно ли Грегг такое чудовище, что может осуществить свои безумные угрозы.

4) добиться успеха, преуспевать

He was an awful grind, and most of us considered it unfair competition. However, he's made good, I suppose. (U. Sinclair, ‘World's End’, ch. 25) — - День и ночь Олстон корпел над книгами, и мы все считали, что это просто не по-товарищески. Однако он, как видно, выбился в люди.

His nominees - suggested to political conferences - were so often known to make good. (Th. Dreiser, ‘The Financier’, ch. XI) — Кандидатуры, которые он выдвигал на выборах, обычно проходили с успехом.

His father was furious with him for selling land to speculate in gold-mines. Said he had squandered a fortune to give Morris a chance of making good in the colonies; but from henceforward Morris would have to shift for himself. (K. S. Prichard, ‘The Roaring Nineties’, ch. 14) — Отец Морриса пришел в бешенство, узнав, что сын продал землю и собирается спекулировать на акциях золотодобывающих рудников. Мне стоило целого состояния, говорил он, дать Моррису возможность попытать счастья в колониях. Отныне пусть полагается только на себя. Ни одного пенни от меня он больше не получит.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. - М.: «Русский язык-Медиа».. 2006.

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Смотреть что такое "make good" в других словарях:

  • make good — (also make it (big)) INFORMAL ► to become rich and successful: »After years of hard work, she finally made good. »Los Angeles is full of people who go there to make it big like the stars in Hollywood. Main Entry: ↑make …   Financial and business terms

  • make good — make (it) good American & Australian to become successful or to achieve something you want. The film s main character is a poor Mexican boy who made it good in Chicago. He ll make good, you ll see. He works hard and knows what he s after …   New idioms dictionary

  • make good on — (something) American & Australian, informal to give back money that you owe someone, or to keep a promise to do something. I want to make good on that loan I got from Joan. Tom made good on his promise to paint the living room …   New idioms dictionary

  • make good — (someone s something) to succeed in doing something difficult. She made good her escape from the hospital …   New idioms dictionary

  • make good (to) —  Make an adjustment or special allowance when a problem arises; a free repeat of an advertisement when there has been a mistake.  ► “They [global managers] seriously doubt the U.S. Treasury would fail to make good its interest payments on its… …   American business jargon

  • make good — ► make good 1) compensate for (loss, damage, or expense). 2) fulfil (a promise or claim). 3) be successful. Main Entry: ↑good …   English terms dictionary

  • make good — index fulfill, indemnify, keep (fulfill), pay, recoup (reimburse), redress, refund …   Law dictionary

  • make good — verb act as promised (Freq. 1) make good on promises • Hypernyms: ↑observe, ↑keep • Verb Frames: Somebody s something * * * phrasal : to make valid or complete …   Useful english dictionary

  • make good — {v. phr.} 1. To do what one promised to do; make something come true. * /Mr. Smith borrowed some money. He promised to pay it back on payday. He made good his promise./ * /Joe made good his boast to swim across the lake./ * /John s mother… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make good — {v. phr.} 1. To do what one promised to do; make something come true. * /Mr. Smith borrowed some money. He promised to pay it back on payday. He made good his promise./ * /Joe made good his boast to swim across the lake./ * /John s mother… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make\ good — v. phr. 1. To do what one promised to do; make something come true. Mr. Smith borrowed some money. He promised to pay it back on payday. He made good his promise. Joe made good his boast to swim across the lake. John s mother promised to take him …   Словарь американских идиом

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